Juz wanna motivate myself..(+ve thingking)

Semua apa yg pernah berlaku di masa lalu takkan pernah sama dgn apa yg pernah berlaku pada masa skrg n masa hadapan..yg dlu2 tu doesn't matter..juz focus 4 2day n the next day...huhu

UFO reported sighted in Tuaran

IT'S THERE: This photo taken by James Dungil shows the UFO (arrow) as seen from Tuaran Beach Resort on Saturday.

"If you aren't happy, why aren't you?

Chances are it is because you want something which you do not have, objects or conditions. This is probably not a good enough reason and a review of your situation and perceptions may be in order.

You may have seen video of children in very poor countries laughing and playing, unconcerned that they should have more to be happy about. They are happy because they are playing, because they have their friends and family, and some food to eat that day. Everyone has the right to be happy, and if they can be in their situation, shouldn't you?

"Happiness consists more in small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

Happiness is inside us, in our minds, in our thinking. It is not external material things or experiences, but the enjoyment of our thoughts and feelings. This is good because our thoughts, and therefore our happiness, are up to us.

Start by reviewing the things that you have to be happy about and dwell on these. Don't overlook the little or basic things that you take for granted.

Make a habit of substituting unhappy thoughts with happy thoughts. Whenever an unfavorable picture enters your mind, eject it and replace it with a pleasant one. We all have some nice experiences to recollect and there are usually little pleasures around us most of the time. You can even imagine enjoyable experiences, and it will have a similar positive effect.

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."  - Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)

Establish good principles and conduct yourself according to these principles. Love, or at least be tolerant of, your fellow humans. Don't strive too hard for that which, in the end, will not make you happier.

Miss u'll like crazy..........:(

Suddenly i miss my Bez frenz n cuzen so muchhh...!! :( almost crying rite now...odoi dogo!!!
after flash back all the time we had together at happy or sad moment makes me more sad...I hope time will turn back so that i can change everything n had a wonderful moment with all my frenz n cuzen...its been a long time since we all hangout...when will we be like that again?hangout n joking around like crazy people...huhuhu..tambalut om tompinai ku kada kou lihuai yoho iti magandad dikoyu..ngehhhhhhhhhh..:p
Things I Learned about Myself <3

Everyday for, well for as long as I wish to, I am going to write something about myself. It can be something I discovered, something I like or dislike, or simply something I need or want. The goal is to figure out who I am, and maybe in the process, discover what I should change and realize why I do the things I do.